IDM, Dümmer

25.05.2022 - 29.05.2022

Entry fee

Entry fee: 170.00 €


Count of races: 10

Wed, 25.2
Thu, 26.3
Fri, 27.3
Sat, 28.2
Target time50 min
Time limit75 min
Finishing window30 min


Tue, 24.12:00 to 18:00
Wed, 25.09:00 to 10:30
Tue, 24.12:00 to 18:00
Wed, 25.08:00 to 10:00
Skippers meeting
Wed, 25.11:00
First Start
Wed, 25.13:00
Thu, 26.11:00
Fri, 27.11:00
Sat, 28.11:00
Last Start
Sun, 29.14:00


Tent possible for 15.00 €
Electricity: 15.00 €

Van possible for 30.00 €
Electricity included


Dinner on Thu, 26. included
Dinner (Grillen) on Sat, 28. included

Am Dienstag stellt die KV im Rahmen der Jahreshauptversammlung ein Essen

All statements without guarantee. Subject to change. In the end, what is written in the notice of race / sailing instructions applies!